Your Solar Specialist for
Clean and Green Energy

Fuelled by solar energy, we deliver an integration of smart, simple and safe clean energy solutions

Sustainable Energy

Megawatts has embarked on delivering clean energy with the vision of reducing climate change by harnessing carbon-free power from the sun.

Fuelled by solar energy, we deliver an integration of smart, simple and safe (3S) clean energy solutions:

  • SMART: Integrating smart technology to optimise the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) and maximise benefits
  • SIMPLE: Integrating simple ways of receiving and managing clean energy
  • SAFE: Integrating safe electrical and mechanical installations

Beyond our doctrine for clean and practical energy, our core expertise in electrical engineering offers a peace of mind without the risk of electrical faults or hazardous concerns.

Incorporated in 1990, Megawatts is an established electrical and mechanical engineering company housing well-equipped and certified workshop facilities. Our team is led by managers and engineers with many years of field experience.

We are committed to being a trusted company through our dependable services in development, installation and maintenance of photovoltaic and battery energy storage systems, tailored to each of our customers’ specific conditions and requirements.


Renewable Energy

360 Degree Business
Solar PV Project Range
Solar-Powered Products
Battery Energy Storage
EV Charging System